Falfield Village Hall Events
The village hall along with the Huntsman Inn & Falfield Stores is situated in the centre and is at the at the heart of the Village of Falfield.
Throughout the year FVH Committee and other village residents put on numerous social and public events aimed at bringing the village together.
Below are some of the regular events, some may be booked with purchased tickets & others yet to have dates confirmed, whilst are free & open events.
Please click Ticketed Event button then scroll down to event to show the details & purchase tickets if you wish.
Carols round the Tree
Falfield Village Green
December 7th
Starts 5.30pm
Live music, mulled wine, drinks and a visit by Father Christmas before he gets busy.
FaLFilm Cinema Evening
Falfield Village Hall
May Day on the Green
Falfield Village Green
May 2025
Wine Tasting Evening
Falfield Village Hall
February 2025
Date to be Confirmed.